Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Do you run a business in Newton?

The  Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association (DTBIA) has been successful in  helping revitalize the Central City area. The City of Surrey has also helped in giving economic incentives to  promote  development  in the hopes of creating  a new and exciting downtown destination.

 In Newton there is no BIA and one is desperately  needed! 
 In fact,  every other community in Surrey has a BIA.

 Do you want to see a more vibrant  neighbourhood here in South Newton specifically  around the King George Blvd between 60th and 76th Aves?
 Do you want city hall to recognize that Newton needs a reboot?
 Email me and let's do this!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lots happening in Newton

Summer in Newton saw the partial take-down of the derelict public market building at King George and 64th Ave.   We're still waiting to see how the developer will be dealing with the rest of the structure  which most residents of the neighbourhood say should  also meet the business end of a bulldozer.
The Welcome Home project appears to be progressing  so will keep you posted on that in the coming weeks.  Before I became involved in local issues, nearly 1,000   Newton  homeowners came out in force to oppose the project which would see hundreds of former inmates housed in a live/work facility, adjacent to the existing  Price Pro residence which houses people recovering from addiction. No one disagrees that a facility like this is useful. No one. The argument is that Newton already has so many correctional and social  service type  organizations  that it is in danger of becoming  Surrey's version of  Vancouver's downtown eastside.
 Newton needs business revitalization.  We  cannot continue  along this path.  Simply put, it is not healthy for the community. Every neighbourhood needs a healthy  and balanced economic mix if it is to thrive.
 Now we hear  that there may be yet another homeless shelter in Newton, even though Mayor Watts has promised that Newton will not be the home to any more social services.  We need a major economic boost. Newton needs  new businesses to set up shop in the neighbourhood. Too many are leaving.  We need to look at the long term livability of our community. South Newton needs help. How much longer is the largest community in Surrey (130,000 residents) going to be neglected?
 Promises of  a revitalized town centre and "Festival Street" are considered by many residents as merely lip service. No follow up has occurred.
 Let's get serious and take action  while there's still time to make a  difference

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Central City Skyline

The Central City tower is destined to become THE identifying landmark in the heart of the rapidly developing Surrey Downtown neighbourhood.  

 In the same way that  anyone anywhere seeing the Harbour Centre building in a photo or painting of Vancouver's skyline immediately knows exactly which city they're looking at, soon anybody seeing an image of  the iconic roof top  "whoosh"  will know that THIS is Central City.

The curving rooftop and welcoming outdoor plaza are truly a gem in the heart of our expanding city. If you've never been inside this part of the complex do yourself a favour. It's a marvel of architecture and design. The wood beams alone are worth the trip. Many people say the interior reminds them of a ship which 
I believe is exactly what architect Bing Thom had in mind.

  You can relax on the patio of the Central City Brewing Company restaurant and pub, sip one of their award-winning brews, and enjoy the simple pleasure of  people watching on the outdoor plaza. 

 This is a great place to be!

Central City Tower by Lamplight
Photo by Jude Hannah

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why would anyone do this?

A few days ago there was a fire at the Surrey Hospice and Firefighters thrift store in Newton. Arson is suspected.
Why anyone would target a place  like this is beyond my comprehension.
The people who work here,  all volunteers I believe, are always so gracious and friendly when I have dropped off donations.
 It really boggles the mind. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

School Bells Ring, are ya listenin'?

Quick reminder to slow down when driving through school zones and keep your eyes on the road, not on your phone

Happy first day of school to young and old alike!

 Nothing is more important  than to never stop learning about our mysterious, beautiful world and its people.

Be curious about EVERYTHING

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Countdown to First Day of School!

One of the most rewarding parts of being a parent was the time I spent volunteering at my son's elementary school.
I joined the Parent Advisory Committee the moment he stepped into his first Kindergarten class.

With the first day of school looming on the horizon, I'd like to encourage all parents, moms AND dads to get involved in whatever way they can.  It's a great way to connect with people in your neighbourhood and parental involvement has been shown to help students academically.
Most schools now have websites with a link to their PAC, so there's really no reason to stay out of the loop!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Surrey's Bad Rap....why does it continue?

Back in the 80s, there was an advertising campaign encouraging people to purchase homes in the Richmond area. The tagline was:
 "Living in Richmond means never having to say you're Surrey"

It was a play on the line from   the movie Love Story. I recall it being quite controversial at the time.
Lots of Surrey folks were insulted.  I wasn't a Surrey resident at the time and in New Westminster we kind of nodded in agreement. Surrey wasn't the jewel of the Vancouver area.

Fast forward to last week when someone on facebook  posted a 'joke' that's goes like this....

A couple in Surrey are planning on naming their newborn Adolf Hitler. 
They should be ashamed of themselves. Surrey is no place to raise a child.

 Not much has changed.

So here's my question. 
Why does Surrey continue to be the butt of jokes,  the area of Metro Vancouver which is considered the least desirable place to live? 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Free Family Fun plus Movie Night at Sullivan Heights Park Sunday!

Just a super quick post to tell everyone in Southeast Newton
( you know, Panorama, Sullivan, Hyland, the Ridge, however you refer to our neighbourhood)
that Vancity is sponsoring a....
 FREE event on Sunday August 12  at Sullivan Heights Park 144th and 64th Ave
They'll be all sorts of goodies and the evening will end with a showing of Aladdin so bring the  kids and have some fun in your own community!
.Click for details here

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mini Apartments in Residential Neighbourhoods- Time to Put an End to This Practice

   The area surrounding Hyland Park in Newton was once home to pheasants, raccoons,  coyotes beavers and a thriving salmon spawning population in Hyland Creek.

Now a developer wants to create another street of mega homes on small lots ( Hyland Park development proposal link )- so small and jammed so closely together that to compensate for the lack of street space for parking, a parking "island" ( in truth just a small parking lot) in the centre of the cul de sac is planned. 

The 14000 blk of 65th Avenue  across from the proposed development is a lovely street that has homes on 1/2 acre lots. The homes on the 13800 blk of 65th Ave closest to the proposed development have 1/4 acre lot homes. A development more in keeping with these areas is preferred and recommended. If that is not considered a possibility then townhouses are preferred over small lots. The creek setback would then be 30 metres as opposed to 15 metres for small lot homes
.Plus a townhouse complex requires a strata council in place to govern  rentals, noise and other issues affecting home owners. 
We simply cannot absorb more rental suites geared to a transient  population. This model does not make for a healthy and safe neighbourhood for families and places a burden on an already over-taxed school system.

 I should add that no one I know has any problem with an extended family living in one home  that includes a suite for mom. In fact I applaud this multi-generational model and believe that North Americans should consider this  way of living more often. It strengthens families.

We need to  think of the big picture here- it's time to create livable healthy  communities for everyone.

 Homeowners are weary of  neighbourhoods turning into mini apartment zones. We have seen an increase in crime, garbage, drug dealing  and vandalism when the development of  64A Avenue just west of 138th St was approved and built despite the opposition of dozens of  area homeowners. The streets in that  development are littered with debris and there is a steady stream of young males coming from that neighbourhood and dealing drugs at the nearby pedestrian bridge. Just 2 weeks ago there was another police incident.
 We know that  city hall cannot keep up now with  illegal suite enforcement.To  approve developments which encourage this practice is sheer folly on the part of local government.
 To use a phrase often heard by city council, we need to look at the 'big picture' here. What is  the best decision for this neighbourhood and what  will it say about how things are run in Surrey?

 There is a public hearing on Monday July 23 at 7pm.

Mayor and Council Contact info
Hyland Park development proposal link

Monday, July 16, 2012

City Hall needs to act NOW to save Newton from becoming Whalley 2.0 Just think , our own little Downtown Eastside in the making. All the signs are there.

King George and 64th Ave. 
Southern Gateway to Surrey 

Welcome to Surrey
 The Future Lives Here

Take one minute to send a message asking( demanding?) council and the mayor to pay attention to the state of Newton NOW.            Contact info for mayor and council link
The troubles of Whalley have simply been pushed down the King George into Newton.
Now businesses don't see the area as an economically viable location option.

Welcome to Whalley 2.O
What a legacy for our mayor ...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer break time!

Taking a little break  from blogging to enjoy the sunshine here in sunny south Surrey.
Thanks to everyone for their continued support for the ReNewal of Newton.  This is an uphill battle. We need to ensure that our community gets attention and does not continue to be Surrey's dumping ground.
I encourage you to do a little research and pay attention to what's happening in your neighbourhood and most importantly  let your voice be heard.
Call city hall
Call the police when you see crime
Form a Blockwatch
Get to know your neighbours
Jude at ReNewton Nation

Friday, July 6, 2012

Someone has a grudge against ReNewton!

Apparently someone has chosen to be malicious and  reported to facebook ( incorrectly of course) that the website is "unsafe or spammy"
If you have received anything from an email address  associated with  ReNewton that is questionable please let me know. I believe that it is " just "someone being nasty and I don't think the site was compromised in anyway.
Now who would do such a thing ??

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bad Day in Newton

First my hand- painted  decoupaged chair gets stolen from our front porch , burned and left in the playground and now my  blog has been reported as "unsafe" Wow! A community blog deemed unsafe. What's going on. Trying to fix it so please stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy 145th Birthday Canada! You don't look a day over 144!

Well, the kids are out of school so I guess summer really is here! Taking  the next few days off  so here's hoping you all have a happy and safe long weekend.
Surrey always puts on a great Canada Day party, and this year is no exception.
 Check out all the activities and stellar Canadian musical line-up for Surrey's Canada Day Bash  !
Remember, stay safe- don't drink and drive ( or boat) and take transit wherever you can .

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Save it or start with fresh clean slate?

Here's a bit of news on the public market property at 64th and King  George in  South Newton- (click on link for full details)
Looks like the owner is planning to tear down the "bridge" section of the structure. 
That's the part you see in the top photo.  Most of you say take the whole thing down and start from scratch. I tend to agree! Building bigger doesn't mean better!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Return to a Walkable Neighbourhood?

There's a growing trend in some forward thinking communities  toward creating a neighbourhood that encourages walking first, driving last.
 According to this intriguing article in the NY Times, people are willing to pay more for homes that offer this option. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Newton still waiting for Revitalization

Still no word on  plans for the former public market corner in Newton. The property has huge potential for a community centered development  but Newton -Panorama and Sullivan Heights residents aren't seeing anything concrete happening yet.
Promises have been made to revitalize parts of Newton and create a "New Town" but no timelines are given. 
When will Newton get its turn in the spotlight? 

Surrey Public Market building King George and 64th Ave

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Farmers Market Season Begins! Plus a new surprise for Newton -Panorama !

Surrey Urban Market    

The Season Begins!

Like many of you , I eagerly await the  arrival of local farmers markets .  
I love seeing all the luscious veggies and fruit,  smelling the fresh baked bread  and other handmade goodies.  
It's also a great way to try new products from  local artisans and craftspeople. Last year I discovered a line of homemade body lotions and soaps  that are divine!

Surrey 's Urban Market opens this Wednesday. I often don't get a chance to make it to the City Centre location, but when I do I have come home  with a bounty !
That's why I am THRILLED that Surrey Urban Market will be closer to home at Surrey City Hall every other Thursday from 11-2pm. 
As you know, ReNewton began with a public awareness campaign to encourage the new owner of the former Public Market site at King George and 64th to bring back the once loved public market. The original one back in the 80s was the best!
I hope that  South Newton -Panorama- Sullivan  residents will support this new location to show that a permanent market can work in our community!

From the  folks at  the Surrey Urban Market: 

For the past three years we've tested out a smaller version of our full market at Surrey City Hall. We are ready to make it official and starting in late June, we will be set up in Surrey's City Hall every other Thursday from 11 am - 2 pm. The market is open to the public - just park free in the City Hall visitor parking lots. We'll have 4-5 stalls featuring produce, fruits and prepared goods

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Should our wooded areas be saved or developed?

About a week ago I received a notice that an area  close to my home may be bulldozed to make room for a residential development .
 The owner of the property, currently all wooded with lots of wildlife and next to a salmon spawning stream, wants to change the zoning to build houses on small lots.
In our neighbourhood, this will most assuredly become houses turned into mini apartments, often without the owners themselves living on the premises .
Should some developments simply be turned down for the greater good of the neighbourhood and environment?  
Do we create more housing at all costs? Your thoughts?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mini apartments on your cul de sac?

The city of Surrey is having a tough time policing  thousands of illegal suites.
Many houses are being converted entirely to rental units without the owner living on the premises. 
This is in violation of the law that states one suite only.
Here's the latest from the Surrey Leader

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What would YOU like to see in South Newton?

Just thinking about  some of the established businesses that would be welcomed with open arms into South Newton....
 Shopped at Kin's Farm Market yesterday but had to drive way across town. I'd love to see them set up a location in the neighbourhood.
What would be some of your picks? Let ReNewton ( and them) know!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Latest on Newton Casino Plans

The 7093 King George Blvd. property has had a long and troubled history. In 2009, Boardwalk Gaming promised a $25-million investment that would see a revitalized mall and community policing station in exchange for a lucrative zoning change that would allow slot machines at Newton Square  Bingo Country. The rezoning was in violation of Surrey’s existing gaming policy, but it passed on a five-to-four vote. Despite questionable politics,Newton Casino Plans go ahead

Where have we heard this before??

So the city is now going to focus on Newton. Bravo.  We are all waiting to see what happens and when. Have heard this all before and seen the pretty pictures with the canopies yada yada. Forgive  the cynicism. It’s just that we have ALL  been waiting for this for far too long.
Stay tuned… and keep those fingers crossed.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Save it or Scrap it???

 There’s talk  lately about how many of you in the neighbourhood  HATE, really hate, this building.  The problem is that if this thing were torn down, the new owner would not be able to build a similar sized structure on the property as the creek setbacks have changed.   So…. is a bigger building necessarily  a better building?   People are saying that they associate this structure with decline and decay and would rather see it scrapped. As an owner it’s a tough call. I think I might be inclined to  junk the whole thing and start with a fresh clean slate, and apparently you do too.

Friday, April 27, 2012

It’s all about the corner! The corner store, the corner deli, the corner cafe….

Lately have been watching  videos  about ‘what makes a city great’
One of the best to speak on  this topic  was the late  Jane Jacobs.
This video is well worth a few minutes of your time. What an eye-opener!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Pop- Up Park for City Centre. Great idea But when is it Newton’s turn??

City Centre continues to receive lots of goodies from the city. Look at this fabulous POP-Up Park on the link.
Meanwhile  Southeast Newton languishes.
What is it going to take before attention is paid to the decline of South Newton specifically the King George corridor between 64th and 76th avenues?
Not just lip service.
Real attention  followed by concrete action. Newton  residents deserve more than to be the recipients of  Whalley’s darker side. You can’t keep pushing the problem down into this community. Wonder how South Surrey would feel about having Newton’s  problems.
This is not good for Newton and it’s not good for Surrey.
Let’s get some love for Newton going on here.