Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Save it or Scrap it???

 There’s talk  lately about how many of you in the neighbourhood  HATE, really hate, this building.  The problem is that if this thing were torn down, the new owner would not be able to build a similar sized structure on the property as the creek setbacks have changed.   So…. is a bigger building necessarily  a better building?   People are saying that they associate this structure with decline and decay and would rather see it scrapped. As an owner it’s a tough call. I think I might be inclined to  junk the whole thing and start with a fresh clean slate, and apparently you do too.


  1. I think the building is quite nice, and with some restoration could be usable as either a market again or even a venue for small concerts or events. Personally I don't want to see it go, simply because the architecture has a slight nostalgic feel to it.

    1. Curious... what is it about that building that feels and looks nostalgic to you?
      Basically it's a concrete shell with a metal roof.


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