Monday, August 20, 2012

Surrey's Bad Rap....why does it continue?

Back in the 80s, there was an advertising campaign encouraging people to purchase homes in the Richmond area. The tagline was:
 "Living in Richmond means never having to say you're Surrey"

It was a play on the line from   the movie Love Story. I recall it being quite controversial at the time.
Lots of Surrey folks were insulted.  I wasn't a Surrey resident at the time and in New Westminster we kind of nodded in agreement. Surrey wasn't the jewel of the Vancouver area.

Fast forward to last week when someone on facebook  posted a 'joke' that's goes like this....

A couple in Surrey are planning on naming their newborn Adolf Hitler. 
They should be ashamed of themselves. Surrey is no place to raise a child.

 Not much has changed.

So here's my question. 
Why does Surrey continue to be the butt of jokes,  the area of Metro Vancouver which is considered the least desirable place to live? 


  1. ....and what can be done to turn this around?

  2. ...because it is the land of hicks, rednecks, farmers, drug labs, and gangsters!

    1. Just like Vancouver then. Don't be afraid to sign your name. We welcome all comments

    2. If you think so, you are likely way out of touch. Compare Surrey to more like Regina.

    3. There are definitely areas in Surrey that are not pretty, but then again Surrey is huge and has upscale neighbourhoods like Crescent Beach, Morgan Creek etc. and the new town centre is improving everyday.
      Nick, where do you live?
      Just as we don't judge all of Vancouver by the downtown eastside, we can't paint all of Surrey with the same brush.

    4. Hardy Anonymous! If you want to compare it to other cities in the lower mainland - Surrey has the BEST MAYOR in Canada. We are more progressive and accept anyone who wants to live here without judgement. Surrey will be the largest city in the province and will be the most affordable place to live. Clearly Anonymous - you haven't been to the new downtown of Surrey which will be spectacular! As a resident of Surrey, we have thick skin and can take the tasteless comments from those who are obviously jealous of our accomplishments. But typical of someone who does not live here to continue to pass judgement instead of being happy for us.

    5. Speaking of your Surrey mayor; she's the one that plowed into a pedestrian while drinking & driving?

    6. Mayor Watts has never been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol.

  3. I have lived in Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey, New West, Calgary, Toronto, Regina, New York, Montreal, London (UK), Tokyo, Oslo to name a few. Perhaps on a small regional level Surrey has some pluses; comment re: Mayor, not sure. Local politics are small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. Yes, I have been to Surrey Central City, a good start (btw: largest city in the Province doesn't mean much, Vancouver is pretty small as well).

  4. Surrey is the "ILLEGAL" City:

    Illegal suites, illegal trucks parking, illegal grow ups,
    illegal sex trade, illegal drug dealing, illegal dumping,
    illegal home businesses, illegal signs, etc, etc.

  5. ... and another one, illegal tree cutting.

  6. Maybe it should be explained to Surrey residents that when they gather in groups that represent their community and if they don't like the Surrey stereotype, they shouldn't play in to it. A supposedly top-level Surrey hockey team (hopefully some of the parents read this and recognize themselves)is the most classless bunch of parents and kids who stand out like a sore thumb amongst the other teams. Their penalty minutes and hooting and hollering for goonery rather than hockey far surpasses anything experienced in other rinks and their "reputation" is right in line with the worst of Surrey. Unfortunately, it has been the case that other Surrey sports teams have followed suit. It's the comparison between the behaviour and attitude of teams from Surrey and their opponents that stand out. How to change the bad rap? Remember that you represent your community whenever you put on a uniform or jersey that says "Surrey." Stereotypes don't come from nowhere.


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