Saturday, May 3, 2014

Love-In for Downtown Newton

  Today's Friends of the Grove  event was a resounding success!
 So many  people showed up despite the cool damp weather. Here are just a few photos from today. Will write more in an upcoming post.
 In the meantime just want to say how very proud  I am of my community. 
 Newton, the centre of this city, has a whole lot of heart and soul and some very cool people.

Playing Chess on the permanent board carved into a tree stump a few weeks ago.

This group of friendly women handed out homemade cookies all day.

Bagpipers Played throughout the morning -Thanks guys!

We all had a chance to learn how to silk screen!

Little girls coming from ballet class stopped by and got creative.  We saw lots of tutus today. Ballet class  appears to be very popular  at the  Newton rec centre. 

Two of the first arriving . They got straight to work creating happy drawings on the trees. And they did it in ballet tutus!

Neighbours and new friends sharing ideas on what they'd like to see happen in this lovely green area. 
Night markets, Summer evening concerts, farmers markets....

Jammin' at the Grove- loved this 

One of my new little friends 

The Poet Tree 

This gentleman treated us to the hauntingly beautiful sounds of the shofar

Yes, it's true. Newton is the true heart of Surrey.
 And today, that heart is full of love for our community.

Well Done Friends of the Grove, and all those who volunteered their time, energy and love for our fellow humans. 
This is just the start of a whole new vibe in the neighbourhood.

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