Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Some Clean it Up- Some Keep Dumping....

Big Thank You to our dedicated volunteers for ReNewton's Clean Sweep event on Sat April 19th.

Thanks to your hard work, we were able to clean up a large section of Hyland Creek.  As we worked we engaged in discussions about our  neighbourhood and environs. I think we all came away with a greater sense that we are part of something bigger here.  We are a community and we need to take ownership of our  own neighbourhood.  
We can't rely on government to do everything.

 Surrey Clean Sweep April 19-26 !

First volunteer  on site wasted no time getting started. Way to go!

We found remnants of a camp in the woods next to this foot bridge at 138th St. 

This guy deserves a special award. Picking up bag after bag of dog waste . Seems that many dog owners will pick up after their pets if someone is watching, then toss the bags into the bushes and trees.  How nasty and disrespectful is that?

Two of our energetic volunteers- thanks neighbours!
Hyland Creek is home to 2 species of salmon that spawn here every Fall. Let's work together to keep it clean, green and healthy for our  Chum and Coho.

 We're seeing too much of this below, in our neighbourhood.  Is it possible that there still people in our community who aren't aware that the city of Surrey will pick up old mattresses and furniture, often left behind by  tenants in the numerous multi-suite homes in the area?
Is a public awareness campaign needed to get the word out?
 Site of former Hotel Bollywood on King George approximately 6600 block
Thursday April 24

We need to crack down on this continuing problem in the city.  We have enough challenges.
This  isn't doing us any favours.

  Come on people. 
This is not the image we want people to associate with Surrey
- and it shows no signs of improving.
One casualty of rampant  growth.

What do you think? What can we do to get this under control?

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