Sunday, April 6, 2014

Grooving at The Grove....

  Putting a Smile on Someone's Face is One of the Kindest Things You Can Do...  

If you happened to be  near the Newton Rec Centre & Wave Pool area on Saturday morning, you may have spotted these friendly characters here and there.
 A few community minded individuals wanted to make the cloudy cool morning a wee bit brighter for anyone who might have needed a bit of cheering up.  
Mission Accomplished.  
Queen of Surrey ?
Talking with the folks who use the paths through the grove. Good to see community safety officer on the beat.
Community safety officer stopped by for a chat!

" I think I'm being followed"

"Luke, I am Your Father...."
Little Red Riding Post?

Time for a Trim?
Stay tuned. 
You just don't know where these guys 
(and hopefully some of their friends ) will turn up next... 

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! Way to go!

    So tired of all the concrete. A little public art is exactly what the doctor ordered.


    p.s. Paul Hillsdon shared this on his Facebook - I give credit where credit's due.


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