Sunday, April 27, 2014

Charles Montgomery Talks “Happy City” With Mark Gorton

Charles Montgomery Talks “Happy City” With Mark Gorton

Watt's the Buzz in Surrey this Weekend

 Major announcement at Saturday's Party for the Planet
 Dianne Watts, Surrey's mayor for the past 9 years  told the crowd she will not seek re-election. A surprise to some, but many saw it coming.
Surrey SFU  campus tower at Central City. When this stunning piece of architecture was opened in the mid 2000s there were high hopes that Surrey would finally be able to shake its backwoods image once and for all. Despite some beautiful iconic developments, some say the city's reputation is worse than ever. And that's a crying shame. 
 Will be writing more on this and who in the crowd of usual suspects might be taking a swing at the mayor's chair. It won't be an easy job. Surrey has challenges, and as I write this, Twitter is buzzing with reports of shots fired near Gateway Skytrain Station in Whalley/City Centre. On a Sunday afternoon....sigh.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Today in the City : Work of Art Conference + Surrey's Party 4 the Planet!

  Lots going on in the area today.
Heading to the Work of Art Conference at the Newton Cultural Centre to hear some fabulous creative people, Chris Tyrell for example, speak about the business of art. It's been a few years since this event was held and I am so delighted that it's been brought back. Learn more here

 Looks like a  perfect day for the city's Party for the Planet held all day Sat. at the City Hall plaza.  So much to see and do plus some amazing live music from some of my favourite west coast performers, Jeremey Fisher, Dear Rouge, Jordan Klassen, Said the Whale and More. Check it out.
  Smile Surrey! We're all in this together.

 ReMinder of next Saturday's Friends of the Grove happening  in Newton. Here's what The Better Block's Jason Roberts had to say about this little part of our city.

Original Post :
Looking forward to hearing Jason Roberts speak tomorrow at Surrey Steps Up!  I've been a big BIG fan of his work after watching his TedTalk  from a few years back. He  visited Newton yesterday and has some great ideas for  making our neighbourhood safer and more vibrant!

Here's the original Ted Talk

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Some Clean it Up- Some Keep Dumping....

Big Thank You to our dedicated volunteers for ReNewton's Clean Sweep event on Sat April 19th.

Thanks to your hard work, we were able to clean up a large section of Hyland Creek.  As we worked we engaged in discussions about our  neighbourhood and environs. I think we all came away with a greater sense that we are part of something bigger here.  We are a community and we need to take ownership of our  own neighbourhood.  
We can't rely on government to do everything.

 Surrey Clean Sweep April 19-26 !

First volunteer  on site wasted no time getting started. Way to go!

We found remnants of a camp in the woods next to this foot bridge at 138th St. 

This guy deserves a special award. Picking up bag after bag of dog waste . Seems that many dog owners will pick up after their pets if someone is watching, then toss the bags into the bushes and trees.  How nasty and disrespectful is that?

Two of our energetic volunteers- thanks neighbours!
Hyland Creek is home to 2 species of salmon that spawn here every Fall. Let's work together to keep it clean, green and healthy for our  Chum and Coho.

 We're seeing too much of this below, in our neighbourhood.  Is it possible that there still people in our community who aren't aware that the city of Surrey will pick up old mattresses and furniture, often left behind by  tenants in the numerous multi-suite homes in the area?
Is a public awareness campaign needed to get the word out?
 Site of former Hotel Bollywood on King George approximately 6600 block
Thursday April 24

We need to crack down on this continuing problem in the city.  We have enough challenges.
This  isn't doing us any favours.

  Come on people. 
This is not the image we want people to associate with Surrey
- and it shows no signs of improving.
One casualty of rampant  growth.

What do you think? What can we do to get this under control?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Another Placemaking Treasure Trove of Ideas & Inspiration

 Happy to have been included  as a content provider for the online magazine  Power of Place. Placemaking is the Urban Planning buzzword of our time. Find out more below. 

Some terrific resources on the art and power of Placemaking  in this issue of Power of Place

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Your Weekend Guide for Newton!

So much happening in Newton this weekend!  Saturday is the huge Vaisakhi Parade. Everyone is welcome to attend this joyous event . Check out the link for information  about the parade route and street closures.
This morning at 10:00 pop-into The Grove near the Newton Rec Centre and say hi to the Friends of The Grove. They're a group of dedicated citizens who are planning a big event on Sat May 3rd. They meet weekly to chat with the community and always have surprises in store, like these pop-up children's tents!   

At The Grove 
These guys stopped by last week for a friendly chat.
  The Newton Rec Centre has Activities planned for this weekend 

Happy Easter!

Two regulars at The Grove. Fun place for kids to hang out and explore!

One of the friendly characters at The Grove!

 Want to Know More about Easter and Its Importance to Christians? Here are a few options in the Newton area, and an interesting column by the Vancouver Sun's Douglas Todd.
Bethany Newton United Church     Douglas Todd -Vancouver Sun

The Village Church at the Bell Centre
 That's it for now,
 Gotta run, Neighbourhood Clean Sweep awaits us this morning.  A section of Hyland Creek and Park is about to look a whole lot cleaner in a few hours!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

ReNewton & Friends do Surrey Clean Sweep!

65th Avenue West Entrance   
Information for those  participating in our neighbourhood clean-up event this Saturday, April 19th.

We will be meeting at 10 a.m. at the 65th Avenue entrance walkway  to Hyland Park just east of 138th St.  Gloves and bags will be provided.  We'll  then focus on the areas along  Hyland Creek between the 138th St foot bridge and through the park up to 140th St.

 We'll end by noon and then you're free to enjoy the Vaisakhi Parade or get ready for Easter! 
There are also activities going on at the Newton Recreation Centre this weekend.
 Please Join us as we clean up a little bit of our neighbourhood!

  Here's more on the city's Clean Sweep program.
Surrey Clean Sweep!
140th St  East entrance 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

4 Things to do Today in South Newton!

Here's What's Happening Today 


South Newton!

Hard to believe that  it's been a year since  DeSerres opened its doors on the King George in Newton.  If you still haven't  been, today's the day to pop-in and congratulate them. 
 DeSerres is an art, craft, toy, gift, home decor store all in one. 
It's gorgeous. 
The prices are great. 
The staff is friendly and helpful and  DeSerres is Canadian!!  

The Best Selection of Paint Supplies in Town!
Between 2-4 Cheer on your favourite team !
Frank Hurt Sec. School vs. Guildford Park Secondary School in a painting competition! Bring it on!
 Surrey Newton MLA Harry Bains and members of the Surrey Arts Council with Owner Marc DeSerres at last April's Grand Opening!
Gorgeous Decor throughout the Store.
Tons of Toys and Craft Supplies for Kids!

Triple - O !!
Sullivan Heights Dry Grad Fundraiser! 
Bottle Drive,
Moms hard at work sorting those bottle donations!
Jeep Drive-a-Thon, and Food Trucks!
One of the food trucks onsite today- Uncle Kebab!

One of the first Sullivan Heights Grads!

144th and 64th Avenue. 11-4 today!
 Support  Those Kids! They're going to the leaders of tomorrow!

Friends of the Grove meet around 10:30 this morning at the trees near the  Newton Wave Pool  for an informal chat and brainstorm session. Everyone welcome to pop in and share your ideas for making the bus loop area  and Rec Centre a more family friendly spot! 
And  finally, Surrey Fire Fighters and Hospice Society Thrift Store is holding a Lululemon Sale today at the store in Newton  just off King George and 72nd.  Let's Shop!

Monday, April 7, 2014

What You Don't Know About Cities....

One of those TED Talks that will have you nodding ( I hope) in agreement.  

From Ted Vancouver - just out!

          How Public Spaces Make Cities Work   


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Grooving at The Grove....

  Putting a Smile on Someone's Face is One of the Kindest Things You Can Do...  

If you happened to be  near the Newton Rec Centre & Wave Pool area on Saturday morning, you may have spotted these friendly characters here and there.
 A few community minded individuals wanted to make the cloudy cool morning a wee bit brighter for anyone who might have needed a bit of cheering up.  
Mission Accomplished.  
Queen of Surrey ?
Talking with the folks who use the paths through the grove. Good to see community safety officer on the beat.
Community safety officer stopped by for a chat!

" I think I'm being followed"

"Luke, I am Your Father...."
Little Red Riding Post?

Time for a Trim?
Stay tuned. 
You just don't know where these guys 
(and hopefully some of their friends ) will turn up next...