Saturday, August 22, 2015

Newton Block Party, New shops along 137th St & Zaklan Farm Fest All Today!

Today 10-2 Newton Block Party -Near Rona 

Fun for the family- pancake breakfast courtesy of the Newton Business Improvement Association, and much more. 

Come out and meet the people in your neighbourhood.  And don't forget to stop by the street piano in the grove and play a tune or two!

Friends in the Grove
 Check out Agent C Gallery and Studio 73 both new, and both along 137th St just north of the Wave 

Studio 73  Glassworks  Candles and More!
Opening reception for Gross Density Parcel exhibition at  Agent C Gallery 

  Zaklan Heritage Farm hosts its annual Harvest Festival today too!
 If you haven't been to this wonderful farm in the heart of Surrey, today's the day! 

 ReNewton will be back blogging full time in September!