The area surrounding Hyland Park in Newton was once home to pheasants, raccoons, coyotes beavers and a thriving salmon spawning population in Hyland Creek.
Now a developer wants to create another street of mega homes on small lots ( Hyland Park development proposal link )- so small and jammed so closely together that to compensate for the lack of street space for parking, a parking "island" ( in truth just a small parking lot) in the centre of the cul de sac is planned.
The 14000 blk of 65th Avenue across from the proposed development is a lovely street that has homes on 1/2 acre lots. The homes on the 13800 blk of 65th Ave closest to the proposed development have 1/4 acre lot homes. A development more in keeping with these areas is preferred and recommended. If that is not considered a possibility then townhouses are preferred over small lots. The creek setback would then be 30 metres as opposed to 15 metres for small lot homes
.Plus a townhouse complex requires a strata council in place to govern rentals, noise and other issues affecting home owners.
We simply cannot absorb more rental suites geared to a transient population. This model does not make for a healthy and safe neighbourhood for families and places a burden on an already over-taxed school system.
I should add that no one I know has any problem with an extended family living in one home that includes a suite for mom. In fact I applaud this multi-generational model and believe that North Americans should consider this way of living more often. It strengthens families.
We need to think of the big picture here- it's time to create livable healthy communities for everyone.
Homeowners are weary of neighbourhoods turning into mini apartment zones. We have seen an increase in crime, garbage, drug dealing and vandalism when the development of 64A Avenue just west of 138th St was approved and built despite the opposition of dozens of area homeowners. The streets in that development are littered with debris and there is a steady stream of young males coming from that neighbourhood and dealing drugs at the nearby pedestrian bridge. Just 2 weeks ago there was another police incident.
We know that city hall cannot keep up now with illegal suite enforcement.To approve developments which encourage this practice is sheer folly on the part of local government.
To use a phrase often heard by city council, we need to look at the 'big picture' here. What is the best decision for this neighbourhood and what will it say about how things are run in Surrey?
There is a public hearing on Monday July 23 at 7pm.
Mayor and Council Contact info
Hyland Park development proposal link
Now a developer wants to create another street of mega homes on small lots ( Hyland Park development proposal link )- so small and jammed so closely together that to compensate for the lack of street space for parking, a parking "island" ( in truth just a small parking lot) in the centre of the cul de sac is planned.
The 14000 blk of 65th Avenue across from the proposed development is a lovely street that has homes on 1/2 acre lots. The homes on the 13800 blk of 65th Ave closest to the proposed development have 1/4 acre lot homes. A development more in keeping with these areas is preferred and recommended. If that is not considered a possibility then townhouses are preferred over small lots. The creek setback would then be 30 metres as opposed to 15 metres for small lot homes
.Plus a townhouse complex requires a strata council in place to govern rentals, noise and other issues affecting home owners.
We simply cannot absorb more rental suites geared to a transient population. This model does not make for a healthy and safe neighbourhood for families and places a burden on an already over-taxed school system.
I should add that no one I know has any problem with an extended family living in one home that includes a suite for mom. In fact I applaud this multi-generational model and believe that North Americans should consider this way of living more often. It strengthens families.
We need to think of the big picture here- it's time to create livable healthy communities for everyone.
Homeowners are weary of neighbourhoods turning into mini apartment zones. We have seen an increase in crime, garbage, drug dealing and vandalism when the development of 64A Avenue just west of 138th St was approved and built despite the opposition of dozens of area homeowners. The streets in that development are littered with debris and there is a steady stream of young males coming from that neighbourhood and dealing drugs at the nearby pedestrian bridge. Just 2 weeks ago there was another police incident.
We know that city hall cannot keep up now with illegal suite enforcement.To approve developments which encourage this practice is sheer folly on the part of local government.
To use a phrase often heard by city council, we need to look at the 'big picture' here. What is the best decision for this neighbourhood and what will it say about how things are run in Surrey?
There is a public hearing on Monday July 23 at 7pm.
Mayor and Council Contact info
Hyland Park development proposal link